Maine Adult Education Program
This is a live, online class. Join Nina Barufaldi for a 5-week online course exploring the art of flash fiction. Each week, delve into different forms—from flash fiction and nonfiction to monologues and memoir—while honing your craft with mini-lessons, prompts, and guided writing sessions. Designed for all skill levels, this class focuses on creating impactful, […]
In this class we will learn how to control bleeding. Participants gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively control it with three quick techniques. The number 1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. Stop the Bleed classes are public presentations that empower citizens to make a difference in a […]
Narcan training will teach students how to recognize signs of an opioid overdose, and how to administer the opioid reversal drug Narcan/Naloxone. John Lennon has been a paramedic for 30 years. He is a certified fire instructor, and also an EMS instructor/coordinator. He has conducted numerous public presentations and in service trainings.
This class is dedicated to helping you with understanding how to use your smartphone photography, how to take a create great Images on your phone, what editing apps to use, how to share and print your images. Join Steve as we go over how to find out how to use essential controls on your phone […]