Original source: https://pixabay.com/get/ga2129d646afa0628210a6fa7f3f6b9b26a46bc3792a688dfcf614e2388a5e30d340592466d3284439bb0f7fcb8d490785b6be2347b2f4d3ada709f489a9807dc_1280.jpg

This is a self-paced, online course. 

Most of us take hundreds of photos that languish on our iPhone/iPad or in the cloud. Knowing how to edit images and organize your photos on your iPhone and iPad is essential. Other areas of study include using the tabs in the Photos app —“For You" tab (ready-made slide shows), creating, using, and sharing albums, and the very useful search function.

Open Enrollment - take it when you want! These classes are online/videos, on demand so once you register for it, you can watch it as much as you'd like!

BoomerTECH Adventures helps Boomers and Seniors create, connect, and contribute using today’s technology. These courses are fully asynchronous, online courses that students complete on their own time and at your own speed. Each course is a PDF booklet with information about the class, instructions on using the class, and the content of the class (videos and articles). The instructors provide personalized support for the class via email and/or online chat.

Original source: https://pixabay.com/get/g28e0078bd9bd31a48f596eab3abaf46b3c80f59f1952af3a73c3cd6ab0d2bf57bcdfa80cf1034e900f8b232b0e5857885744d6c53f1e82438f38a6e33408c93a_1280.jpg

Gentle Fitness for Health

with Michelle Spencer


April 28th to June 9th, 2025

This is a live, online class via Zoom.

This class offers seated strength and flexibility exercises to improve mobility and fall prevention. All exercises will support people with arthritis, osteoporosis, and other health concerns if they are cleared by their primary care provider.

April 28, May 5, 12, 19, June 2, 9

Original source: https://pixabay.com/get/g70bf76c6cab99d204f745f991f1ab41e5f69ddfafe2629cc21da5fc4f90ee02d08cb4c44cf3128cecefc0f94a05801b3f625f628d492772a756309ba73fe1f60_1280.jpg

Tai Yoga

with Michelle Spencer


May 6th to June 17th, 2025

This is a live, online class via Zoom.

A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled, breathing, stretching, and strength for the mind and body. This class is a combination of tai chi, traditional yoga, and qi gong.

May 6, 12, 19, June 3, 10, 17

Original source: https://pixabay.com/get/gcb530c8b9f16e46c28d9592ac3293da88fb8fb097013c5f7c8dd4699108a5fb79adc2ce54a363fb395539b879a20084670be3c9ab5ab8642c8ab00cb272bf81f_1280.jpg

Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People

with Craig Coffman


April 1st, 2025

This is a live, online class.

Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy PeopleIn just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to giveyou years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take privatelessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords andget you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Fee includesthe online book, online follow up lessons, a recording of the class andalso an optional periodic question and answer session. Class is heldonline using zoom and is partly hands on instruction and partlylecture/demonstration.

Original source: https://pixabay.com/get/gd02ab5c687f1248dffcb91d014195c914f613e5d9ce3c02f3c918938656472f99570e35997159323e003b23bd66e9cbfa0a97b603c17ad6d987ad79b1fb01400_1280.jpg

Farmer’s Market Basket

with Jessica Steele


June 8th, 2025

$120 More Info

This is an in-person, classroom-based course at Mount Desert Island High School.

Here is a basket that you can take to the market to grab your fresh produce and bakery items. Everyone is welcome to join this class. If you have never weaved before I will be doing step by step directions. You will walk away with a finished basket.

This basket will have two straps that can be worn on the shoulder or carried. Multiple color options on strap. The material of the basket is flat and half round quality reed. We will also add color reed in the basket if desired from blue, purple, red, green, and brown.

Wood Thrush Wilderness is an outdoor guiding and educational business that helps people connect more deeply with themselves and the natural world. As Licensed Recreation Maine Guides, we offer guided canoe expeditions throughout the state of Maine. We also offer classes and training in outdoor education, wilderness medicine, and traditional crafts such as basketry. 

To ensure adequate number of students and to gauge material requirements, registrations will close on May 20.  

Original source: https://pixabay.com/get/gbc74d00f5ea233d493fed091c2eddb19a07e23264fab39362409326c87b91d135ca6be219bfc204e9ade6bd3700566aa89d7de07d00673d6dd7e5a0200c8b374_1280.jpg

Excel Power Tools

with Val Landry


May 1st to 15th, 2025

This is an online class using ZOOM. 

Power Query allows you to import and shape data.  It has an easy to use interface, powerful tools to import and clean data.  

Power Pivot allows data modeling and calculations.  It easily handles millions of rows of data and has modeling tools for efficient data storage and analysis. 

Power BI (Business Intelligence) is a complete business intelligence tool.  It features incredible visual options, has simple built-in interactive options, fantastic graphs and allows easy sharing of data. The design of this course includes 2-3 hours of work with the software between sessions to gain maximum benefit from the sessions.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey included in your automated receipt so the instructor can tailor the course to meet your needs. 

You will want to have Microsoft Excel on your computer for this workshop and many people find it helpful to have two monitors though it is certainly not necessary to benefit from the sessions.  There are two ways to accomplish this: 1) attach an external screen to your computer (contact our program if you need technical assistance with that); 2) using two computers (one for Excel and the other for the ZOOM meeting. 

Val is a lifelong business educator and academic advisor focused on helping enrich and enhance students' educational and life purposes. He is experienced in college management and, as an adult educator, having taught at the Mid-State College and Kennebec Valley Community College. His teaching experience covers over 45 years in the areas of computer applications, accounting, and Quickbooks training workshops.